Naskie Act No: 0001 - All moderators of NaskieSMP has the rights to access, delete, recover & clear of other players inventory.

Naskie Act No: 0002 - Sending Pornography or Gore to group chats & In-game servers are not allowed.

Naskie Act No: 0003 - All old & new players are mandatory to join on our official discord or guilded server.

Naskie Act No: 0004 - The majority of players has the rights to debate if they want to change a brand new world.

Naskie Act No: 0005 - On NaskieSMP+ your not allowed to swear without "Swearing Pass".

Naskie Act No: 0006 - Never abuse the server owner.

Naskie Act No: 0007 - E-dating & Unrelated topics are strictly not allowed in the In-game server & Community GC.

Naskie Act No: 0008 - Using Hack clients (like Toolbox) are illegal or prohibited to use in the server.

Naskie Act No: 0009 - Advertising is not allowed. Any links, persuasions, and any things that could advertise are certainly not allowed.

Naskie Act No: 0010 - Breaking the law will result permanent banned.

Naskie Act No: 0011 - Using Nudes/Naked skin are prohibited in the server. (Mojang Team)

Naskie Act No: 0012 - Sharing sensitive message without a consent is illegal.

Naskie Act No: 0013 - Exploits are allowed. (Only NaskieSMP+)

Naskie Act No: 0014 - Do not involved Dramas that are not related to a SMP server.

Naskie Act No: 0015 - If your a part of a NaskieSMP / NaskieSMP+ member you are not allowed to leak any unrelease features that can spoil the fun.

Naskie Act No: 0016 - You're not allowed to bypass NaskieSMP+ If your a member of NaskieSMP Original (and vice versa).

Naskie Act No: 0017 - Immature attitude in the gc is strictly not allowed all of us people will tired about ur problems [Temporary Law]

Naskie Act No: 0018 - You're not allowed to impersonate someone's identity in NaskieSMP.

Naskie Act No: 0019 - Saying Insulting words are not allowed in the GC & In-Game.

Naskie Act No: 0020 - No Toxicity Tolerated. This law emphasizes the importance of a harmonious environment by clearly stating that toxic behavior is not allowed.

Naskie Act No: 0021 - Joking with Server Owner May Result in Bans.

⚠️ This law is official and may change overtime even the new president of NaskieSMP. Can add or remove laws "Temporary".



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